Cancer Reconstruction in Navi Mumbai

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Cancer reconstruction

Plastic surgery might bring to mind nose jobs and celebrities. This specialty, however, is essential to cancer treatment for many patients. The cancer treatment can damage the body, affecting its function or appearance. To repair the damage, the surgery that is done is called Reconstructive surgery.

One or both of the breasts may be removed as part of breast cancer treatment. This reconstruction process can help a person regain self-confidence and feel better during their cancer recovery.

Breast reconstruction can be determined based on many factors, but there are two main types:

  • Implants or prosthetics
  • Skin flap surgery

A surgeon might combine both techniques to reconstruct the breast more naturally in some cases. He can use additional methods to reconstruct the nipple and surrounding area if cancer treatment has affected them.

Cosmetic surgery differs from reconstructive surgery. Cosmetic surgery may be done to look better or feel better about appearance, but it is not required for medical reasons. Reconstructive surgery, on the other hand, is done for medical reasons.