Problem wound management

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Problem wound management

In wound care, the main goal is not only to repair the wound technically. But to provide optimal conditions for the natural reparative processes of the wound to proceed.

GOALS of wound care:

  • Facilitate hemostasis
  • Decrease tissue loss
  • Promote wound healing
  • Minimize scar formation

The types of wounds that may need to be surgically repaired:

  • Clean Wounds
  • Clean-Contaminated Wounds
  • Contaminated Wounds
  • Dirty-Contaminated Wounds

Then there are two types of wounds following surgery:

  • Incisional Wounds
  • Excisional Wounds

Type of Healing:

  • Primary Intention- The edges of the wound are held together using sutures, staples, tapes, or tissue glue. This allows the wound edges to heal with minimal scarring. Primary closure is used in most surgical wounds and recent traumatic injuries.
  • Delayed primary intention- usually occurs 3-7 days after the initial wound opening if the wound is infected or requires more thorough cleaning or debridement. This is most appropriate for traumatic injuries.
  • Secondary intention- natural wound healing occurs through granulation, contraction, and epithelisation. As a result, scar formation occurs and is used to heal pressure wounds, ulcers, or dehisced wounds.